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Xiamen concrete production enters "green spring"

* : Xiamen Daily * : Xiamen Daily * : 2019-07-18 16:12:00 * : 8434

Xiamen concrete production enters "green spring"

Seminar on green production technology and management of ready mixed concrete industry held in Xiamen, and the "Xiamen approach" was praised by the experts at the meeting


Experts from all over the country are observing the spray dust control device at the Zhixin Group’s aggregates storage yard.


In the concrete production base of Zhixin Group, there is no dust in the sky. Instead, it is a clean and tidy factory area, a green and enclosed mixing building, and transportation vehicles get everything ready and wait for orders to start.

Xiamen Daily (article/Reporter Yuan Shuqi Photos/Reporter Wang Xieyun) From 16th to 17th, Xiamen welcomed a group of special guests -- leaders and staff from the Concrete Branch of the China Construction Industry Association and the Concrete Branch of the Fujian Construction Industry Association, as well as representatives of concrete enterprises across the country. They gathered together to brainstorm and hold a seminar on advanced green production technology and management of ready mixed concrete industry. After listening to the situation of green production management of the concrete in Xiamen, we went to Zhixin Group, a green production demonstration enterprise in China's concrete industry, for on-site observation. Many experts at the meeting praised that Xiamen's green production management experience of ready mixed concrete is at the forefront of the country and has entered the "green spring day".

Xiamen green concrete star up to 100%

Participants recorded the whole process and brought back the "Xiamen Practice"

The construction of a modern green and environmentally friendly commercial concrete mixing plant has become an inevitable requirement for accelerating the construction of a resource-saving and environment-friendly society. However, how to use management and technology as a means to control the entire process of concrete production to ensure that the entire process of concrete production, transportation, and use has minimal adverse effects on the environment?

On the morning of the 16th, Xie Cangfa, President of the concrete branch of Xiamen building materials industry association, took the lead in giving a speech, taking "Xiamen practice" as an example to answer this question. He said that in recent years, in the practice of the concept of "green development", Xiamen has continued to explore the green production management of ready-mixed concrete, and has become the only area in the province that fully realizes the green production and management of ready-mixed concrete, leading the concrete industry from a traditional resource-consuming industry to Upgrading of green and environmentally-friendly industries.

To promote green production of ready mixed concrete, Xiamen is divided into "two steps" -- as the competent department of the industry, the Municipal Construction Bureau first pays close attention to the technical production conditions and quality management of enterprises, and requires ready mixed concrete enterprises to establish a quality assurance system and obtain the certification of ISO9001 quality management system, and strictly control the test process management and the design of concrete mix proportion. Furthermore, the ready mixed concrete enterprises are required to gradually promote the implementation of green concrete production, and obtain three system certification certificates of quality, environmental protection and occupational health and safety, and the emission of dust, waste water and noise should meet the relevant standards, and the plant also needs to carry out greening construction. At present, after several years of efforts, Xiamen 28 concrete mixing plants with premixed concrete professional contracting qualification have all obtained the star green building materials logo (except for a new one), of which 26 mixing plants have obtained the three-star green building materials logo, and the star standard rate of Xiamen green concrete is 100%, ranking the top in the country, and the industry has also developed orderly and healthily.

As a green production demonstration enterprise in China's concrete industry, and also a leading enterprise in Xiamen's green production of concrete, Ding Fulin, General Manager of Zhixin Group, brought a full introduction to the audience from the perspective of corporate operations. He pointed out that if we want to fully realize green production, we must first adjust measures to local conditions, comprehensively sort out pollution sources such as dust, production wastewater, production waste, and noise during the production process, so as to transform and update the entire production chain. However, no matter what the transformation is, it is still necessary to strictly control the quality of concrete products, win the market with high-quality products, and win users with excellent service.

"Zhixin has invested more than RMB 14 million to transform green production facilities, which can play a leading and exemplary role in environmental protection and sustainable development of the whole concrete industry. This money is worth spending. Because promoting the transformation and upgrading of the concrete industry to green environmental protection is not only the choice of enterprises, but also the social responsibility of enterprises. " Ding Fulin's speech aroused a warm resonance among the participants. Many of the participants also opened their notebooks to record the whole process, saying that they would take the "Xiamen practice" back.

At the seminar, Leng Guangming, Chief Engineer of Building Materials Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Building Sciences, Huang Ran, Honorary President of Taiwan Concrete Society, and other top industry experts from both sides of the Taiwan Strait also gave key speeches, which provided many meaningful directions and ideas for the development of concrete industry.

Make every effort to build a green production "garden factory"

Experts observe on-site, and the fully enclosed dust-free production line is refreshing

To say the experts' speeches on the 16th focused on theoretical discussion, then yesterday morning to visit the concrete production plant of Zhixin Group, it was a real on-site investigation.

"Is this really a concrete factory? How can it be so clean? " When the participating experts entered the concrete production base of Zhixin Group, some of them could not believe their eyes and ears - they could not hear the roar of the concrete mixing station, nor could they see the flying dust in the sky. Instead, they were replaced by the clean and tidy plant, the green closed mixing plant, the well planned aggregates yard, and all the transport vehicles get everything ready to start.

Among them, Zhixin's fully enclosed dust-free production line was refreshing for the participating experts. The reporter saw at the scene that from the raw material storage yard to the entire production line, fully enclosed operation is adopted, even if there is dust, there is no way to escape. The first is the transportation link. The aggregate storage yard and belt conveyor are fully enclosed. The aggregate storage yard is equipped with a spray dust suppression device for regular spraying. The metering layer, mixing layer and the top of the powder tank are equipped with pulse dust collectors, which are all effective. Avoid dust in the storage and transportation of raw materials. During the production process, the mixing building is also fully enclosed, and an emergency spray device is also provided at the ash inlet. Once the soft and hard pipe joints are loosened, fallen off or damaged during the pneumatic conveying of powder materials, the high-pressure nozzle can be activated immediately The sprinkler device "rains" and suppresses dust.

What impressed the participating experts at the meeting was that Zhixin Group's green production is not only limited to no dust emission and no noise pollution in production, but also focused on after production. The company is equipped with concrete recycling, separation system, pressure filtration system. Concrete waste and wasted water is recycled and reused after treatment, and no wasted water and slurry is discharged during the postnatal period.

Looking at the low value displayed on the dust and noise real-time monitor specially set by Zhixin Group in the plant area, the experts at the meeting could not help but admire. Ding Fulin pointed out that breaking people's fixed impression of the dirty and poor environment of traditional concrete enterprises and creating a concrete factory that can breathe fresh air like a garden are the original intention and persistence of Zhixin Group“ I hope that the Xiamen experience can provide valuable reference for the majority of concrete enterprises in China, and we can jointly promote the green development, energy conservation and emission reduction of ready mixed concrete industry, so as to really benefit the society. "

Original comments from the visitors

Promote the "Xiamen Practice" to the whole country

Zhang Tong, Secretary General of the Concrete Branch of China Construction Industry Association:This time I came to Zhixin Group Holding Limited in Xiamen for on-site visiting and reviewing , and the most direct feeling was: eye opening Under the background that the country vigorously implements the concept of green development and promotes green production of concrete, Xiamen and Zhixin Group have achieved standardized green production, which can play a leading role in the country. We will bring these advanced practices back and introduce them to enterprises across the country and local construction industry associations.

Xiamen is the first movers of green production

Chen Zhui, Deputy Secretary-General of the Concrete Branch of Fujian Construction Industry Association:From the perspective of the whole province and even the whole country, Xiamen and Zhixin Group's green concrete production management are the “first movers”. This is not only due to the great attention and vigorous promotion of the Municipal Construction Bureau, the competent department, but also due to the fact that a number of concrete enterprises such as Zhixin takes the social responsibility spontaneously, have the courage to take the lead, are willing to make great efforts to transform and deliberate on the details, so as to make Xiamen concrete industry develop healthily and orderly and set off a "green storm" of environmental protection.